OKay, I cant find the horse stable in Shard anymore, it seems to have disappeared with the "revamping" of Shard. Its a PITA when my ranger has to hand lead all the way up to SCC, although I've taken to stopping in a couple "critter safe" spots to do my base training.
But to have to travel all the way up to Xing to sell my horses to a trader at the Mews?
Can we please get a look to see if a selling area can be added to Ilithi? Somewhere? Make one of the SCC stable rooms for it? Something? Please?
I'd love to see the stable area readded to Shard, or maybe I'm just missing it. Genies maps arent showing it around Milrose's anymore, but I could be missing it too.
Re: Ilithi Provendence Horse trading spot
01/06/2019 05:45 PM CST
They are still at Milene's. From Ruby Street next to Milene's, go side street, go stables
#goto stables ..within Shard will also get you there.
Pretty sure you can trade horses in Zaldi Taipa.
#goto stables ..within Shard will also get you there.
Pretty sure you can trade horses in Zaldi Taipa.
Re: Ilithi Provendence Horse trading spot
01/06/2019 07:18 PM CST
Whenever I caught horses, I'd usually train them at Zaldi Taipa and stable them there. Later on I'd have them transferred to Crossing for trading (easier to find a trader there)
If you are in a rush you could always leave your horse in a safe spot in Ilithi, run up to Crossing and ask the Mews to fetch your horse for a fee.
If you are in a rush you could always leave your horse in a safe spot in Ilithi, run up to Crossing and ask the Mews to fetch your horse for a fee.
Re: Ilithi Provendence Horse trading spot
01/07/2019 07:37 AM CST
Has the time to train a horse been reduced? I've got a lot of horses stored that need to be trained, but it used to take a long time to train a horse.
Re: Ilithi Provendence Horse trading spot
01/07/2019 08:17 AM CST
Not that I am aware of.
I believe the time it takes goes down with skill though, so it might depend on how long since you last trained one?
At some point after 3.0 I realized I could instruct horses a whole lot quicker than I used to. I figured it had been going off of animal lore and was now going off my higher outdoorsmanship.
I believe the time it takes goes down with skill though, so it might depend on how long since you last trained one?
At some point after 3.0 I realized I could instruct horses a whole lot quicker than I used to. I figured it had been going off of animal lore and was now going off my higher outdoorsmanship.
Re: Ilithi Provendence Horse trading spot
01/07/2019 02:03 PM CST
Thanks for the directions to shards stable, I was right, I was missing it. Got it on my map now.
I'll check out Horse clan a bit more closely then, its a lot closer & easier, for me at least.
I do store them at Steel Clan, but I could spent the time catching more horses than running back & forth to Crossings to do the trades at the Mews. Heck, I'd be happy if a trading point was set up somewhere between Leth & Shard. Thats why I suggested to see if something could be shoved into SCC since they already have a stable there. I figure it never hurts to ask, I've never messed with DR code so it may not be a easy thing, then again it may just need a bit of code added for the selling room. (shrugs)
Bluefalcon, (hehe, I know what a military bluefalcon is so I find it funny)
But anyways, couldnt tell you about training times, I'm using epedias times as estimates, for me they are pretty close to spot on. But this is the first time I've actually gone horse hunting (grin), trying to stock up my stables for a couple purposes. I wasnt horse hunting before the changeover so I cant compare.
Thanks for the info, I'd still love to see a horse trading point for rangers & traders down in Ilithi if there isnt one already.
Thanks for the directions to shards stable, I was right, I was missing it. Got it on my map now.
I'll check out Horse clan a bit more closely then, its a lot closer & easier, for me at least.
I do store them at Steel Clan, but I could spent the time catching more horses than running back & forth to Crossings to do the trades at the Mews. Heck, I'd be happy if a trading point was set up somewhere between Leth & Shard. Thats why I suggested to see if something could be shoved into SCC since they already have a stable there. I figure it never hurts to ask, I've never messed with DR code so it may not be a easy thing, then again it may just need a bit of code added for the selling room. (shrugs)
Bluefalcon, (hehe, I know what a military bluefalcon is so I find it funny)
But anyways, couldnt tell you about training times, I'm using epedias times as estimates, for me they are pretty close to spot on. But this is the first time I've actually gone horse hunting (grin), trying to stock up my stables for a couple purposes. I wasnt horse hunting before the changeover so I cant compare.
Thanks for the info, I'd still love to see a horse trading point for rangers & traders down in Ilithi if there isnt one already.
Re: Ilithi Provendence Horse trading spot
01/07/2019 02:16 PM CST
I can't find the forum post but I am 99% sure they added horse trading to Horse Clan sometime in the last 3-4 years.
They've had a place that looked like it could be used for trading for years, then just turned it on not too long ago.
They've had a place that looked like it could be used for trading for years, then just turned it on not too long ago.