I'm trying to get a list of all stables in which you can stable a Horse <not trader stables, in order to put it up on Elanthipedia. When I looked it wasn't listed, at least under the Horse category.
2.Horses Haven
3.<aesry stable near where unyns are - will have to look up the name>
Feel free to add.
There is also one bit of inaccurate information listed under "race" training - horses do not fear S'kra Mur. Only Prydaen and Rakash. Will correct that if I get a chance, unless someone else does so first!
p.s. reminder to GMs. When Traders get magic, will want to let them learn Prepare from the appropriate stablemasters :-)
Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: Stable Information needed
04/18/2012 03:40 PM CDT
Milene's Rose in Ilithi will stable mounts, NOT caravans.
Also pretty sure there's a stable attached to the horse retailer in Therengia, it's just south of Therenborough I believe.
Also pretty sure there's a stable attached to the horse retailer in Therengia, it's just south of Therenborough I believe.
Re: Stable Information needed
04/20/2012 01:16 AM CDT
Theren also has the Cavalry outpost in addition to the one in the Keep.
Player of: Lyathe and Saslisena
Player of: Lyathe and Saslisena
Re: Stable Information needed
09/16/2013 09:40 PM CDT
Stables to store or stable a horse:
1 Taelbert's inn stable Crossing
2 Mews stable out the north gate of crossing
3 Aesry stable
4 shard stable near Milene's Rose
5 I think you can also stable them in steel claw clan
6 El bains' estate holder only
7 Theren
8 I think there is one in hib too.
Only places to learn classes, el'bains, theren, mews (crossing). Used to be you could learn some at he steel claw clan, and horse clan but I don't thing so anymore.
Donts for horses
1. Never try to ride or lead one through the gear gate at ravens point. You will loose all gear on the horse and it will be auto stabled last time I saw.