Wrangled myself a horse, but I'm having great difficulty making it obey me!
I got the lead rope on it, took it to the Stablemaster Ela in Horse Clan, but now it just bolts and runs back and forth between the rooms. I put a bridle on it, but now I can't mount it. I brushed and cleaned it and picked it. I've wined and dined her, to no avail. This is the worst first date ever.
1. How do I stable my horse so I can go catch more?
2. How do I remove tack from my horse?
3. How do I get training for myself?
4. How do I get training for my horse?
Some snippets of weird behavior:
[Zaldi Taipa, Ela's Equine Supplies]
You also see Stablemaster Ela and a flap leading out of the tent.
Obvious exits: east.
A medium bay horse just arrived, following you.
A medium bay horse flicks its tail across its back, aiming for a brave insect.
A medium bay horse rears back violently. With a loud snort the horse gallops east.
While it is in the room:
> stable horse
Stable what?
> store horse
To use the STORE verb, you need to STORE [OPTION] IN [CONTAINER].
[Type STORE HELP for more information.]
> mount horse
You move toward a medium bay horse, but it just steps back quickly. Guess you'll have to walk.
> instruct horse
You can't do that.
I'm about 99% sure that I have no idea what I'm doing. I have never interacted with the horse system before, so please be gentle. I feel like something isn't working properly, though?
Re: Wild Horses
12/21/2011 02:46 PM CST
Heh, Elanthipedia was helpful, but it just confirmed my suspicions that nothing was working properly!
Something is definitely up with that horse, but I just left it to die (hopefully?) so I can start over later.
Something is definitely up with that horse, but I just left it to die (hopefully?) so I can start over later.
Re: Wild Horses
12/21/2011 05:48 PM CST
You do realize that wild caught horses can't be lead properly or ridden until instructed in leadrope and saddle or bareback? Stable bought horses are already instructed in leadrope and saddle. Only wild horse I caught, I instructed horse leadrope before ever trying to lead it, and it worked fine. Might instruct horse leadrope and see if that helps in storing or stabling it as I've never tried to do anything with a horse that wasn't instructed in leadrope.
Re: Wild Horses
12/22/2011 12:01 AM CST
I didn't realize that until it started freaking out on me, and then I was scrambling to figure out what was going on.
I caught it, lassoed it and lead it to Horse Clan (without trouble), thinking I would stable it or store it. But once it saw Stablemaster Ela, it broke. Can't instruct it or interact with it in any way except to groom it. Weird.
I appreciate the responses!
I caught it, lassoed it and lead it to Horse Clan (without trouble), thinking I would stable it or store it. But once it saw Stablemaster Ela, it broke. Can't instruct it or interact with it in any way except to groom it. Weird.
I appreciate the responses!
Re: Wild Horses
02/20/2012 06:48 PM CST
Where exactly did you try stabling your horse? It took me a little bit to figure out where the stable hand is. Ela just sells supplies, doesn't operate a stable. You have to go to the south edge of town, one west of where the horse trader is.
[Zaldi Taipa, Osage Path]
Sycamore poles, still bearing their mottled green and white bark, support a canopy of deep brown felt with an underlining of pale, filmy netting that can be dropped if insects become troublesome. Willow camp chairs and a small brass table are placed beneath, and the whole arrangement has been invitingly arranged to provide a good view of the osage pen that holds horses available for sale.
Obvious paths: east, northwest.
[Zaldi Taipa, Osage Path]
Sycamore poles, still bearing their mottled green and white bark, support a canopy of deep brown felt with an underlining of pale, filmy netting that can be dropped if insects become troublesome. Willow camp chairs and a small brass table are placed beneath, and the whole arrangement has been invitingly arranged to provide a good view of the osage pen that holds horses available for sale.
Obvious paths: east, northwest.
Re: Wild Horses
09/16/2013 09:30 PM CDT
First you need to take it to the shard stable south of the great tower, through the gate, then go street. Yes the horse will follow you till you are out of arzumos. Then stop and teach it lead rope and saddle. Make sure you have a bridle, then ride it to shard and go to the stable (make sure you have the coins on you to store it). Store horse when you get there make sure the only thing on it is the bridle. Store horse.
If anyone is having trouble roping a horse its probably because your reflexes/agility is a bit too low. Takes minimum 35. I suspect in both but definately in agility. Otherwise all you do is tangle the rope around yer own feet.
To INSTRUCT. Type instruct and make sure it shows you as having the ability to do so. If not head for the crossing and talke to the stablemaster and stable man based on what the epedia says class wise.
Ranger Pfanston and his soggy pup.