Sprout spell suggestion 11/05/2019 01:20 AM CST
It would be kind of cool if the Sprout spell came back as a scroll-only life mana spell that allowed you to forage for any living plant life from the forageables table regardless of environmental restrictions (requiring wilderness neutral room or better) for the duration of the spell; assuming you had the base perception/outdoorsmanship ranks to forage them.

Making alchemical remedies can be rough enough without the built in limitations of herb ingredient sources.

Documentation is a love letter you write to your future self.
Re: Sprout spell suggestion 11/05/2019 01:23 AM CST

Yeah this would help a great deal. As a ranger I would love to have this.

Ranger Pfanston and his soggy pup.
Re: Sprout spell suggestion 11/05/2019 10:24 AM CST

If it's simpler, it could always just create herbs like GG does with drinks. Random herbs would even be fine, and they could just appear in the room. The number would be determined by mana.