Starlight sphere help... 03/21/2005 02:04 AM CST
This has probably been asked a million times already, and answered just as many ways.. I've been gone a couple years, but can I still learn starlight sphere from the G'nar pethians though I joined Heritage House?
Re: Starlight sphere help... 03/21/2005 02:07 AM CST
Yes you can still learn SLS no matter yer Sect.

The Turle Moves
Re: Starlight sphere help... 03/21/2005 04:18 AM CST
Wonderful! Dare I ask on any information on how? If nothing else, could I get the spell prereqs for it?
Re: Starlight sphere help... 03/21/2005 04:35 AM CST
>If nothing else, could I get the spell prereqs for it?

TKT and Burn, iirc.


Can you look out the window, without your shadow getting in the way?
Re: Starlight sphere help... 03/21/2005 04:41 AM CST
Thank you very kindly. Now just a couple more long, drawn out and painful promotions to go...
Re: Starlight sphere help... 03/21/2005 11:49 AM CST
Well see one of the biggest problems with people, is that they go to the area where you would go to join the g'nar peths.

its not there its somewhere else, the spell existed long before the sects were opened I should know I was one of the few people who had it before the magic rewrite. Wasn't that great but was fun to send on adan'f while you faught them melee course now where it kills in 2-3 hits it use to take like 12 back then. All good though.
Re: Starlight sphere help... 03/23/2005 09:42 PM CST
Now THAT is the hint I was hoping for! That old cranky fart was annoying me, its good to know that I was simply in the wrong area. Now.. lets see.. that's 1 room out of all the rest in all Elanthia. The search begins! Thank you again.
Re: Starlight sphere help... 03/24/2005 11:47 AM CST
Well you got the right province atleast. I hear Theren is nice this time of the year.