SOTT bug 12/08/2003 06:26 PM CST
Did some testing with Sammee today to test the effectiveness of the reflex boost on SOTT and I think we discovered a bug. Here's the deal, we did testing with HB on each other. We can both cast at 60 mana perfectly, no waste, but at 61 mana we fail to channel a tiny bit. I think there is a bug in the effectiveness of SOTT when overpumped at 61 mana and here is why. It makes an SOTT cast completely neutered, and I mean completely (at least reflex).

Tests were preformed under the most strict testing conditions to ensure accuracy.

I can web Sammee when he doesn't have SOTT with 9 mana every time. With a 60 mana cast (none wasted) it takes me 14-15 mana every time. When he has just a 30 mana CS on it takes me 12 mana to web him. A 50 mana CS (+20 to stats) it takes me 15 mana. This leads me to believe SOTT when it is under it's working cap gives a 20 point boost to reflex. Now, once he casts SOTT at 61 and fails to channel some, I can web him everytime with 10 mana.

Conversely it takes 26 mana for Sammee to web me without any defensive spells. 60 mana cast of SOTT takes him 36 mana. 61 mana cast of SOTT (failure to channel all) takes him back to requiring 26 mana. As a side note, a 50 mana CS also boosts my defensive threshold back to 34 mana. These are repeatable tests with repeatable results.

SOTT is bugged on the high end of the cap. This leads me to wonder if any of our other spells are buggy when it comes to failing to channel all the mana in.

Please look into.

Re: SOTT bug 12/09/2003 04:15 PM CST
I'd be really interested on getting a reply to this, so I know if I should lower my preps.
Thanks for the post dritz.


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