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Re: Empaths and Compost 04/13/2009 08:44 PM CDT
Oh and i crossed 2 people's posts in my head when i replied. How much higher do you suggest keeping the attunement since I do watch it and for what reasons?
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/13/2009 09:34 PM CDT
I use HW and HS at min prep for almost all wounds.

I also use a cambrinth armband on every HW or HS cast.

For main more difficult body parts like eyes, head, neck, chest, back, and abdomen I'll charge/focus 11 mana, and for limbs/extremities, I'll charge/focus 8.

prep hw
charge camb armband 11 or 8 depending
waitfor roundtime
focus camb armband
waitfor roundtime
cast bodypart
waitfor fully attuned

repeat with HS
waitfor fully attuned

I don't even get close to 80 percent using this method and it heals me up a lot faster than trying to heal as much as I could and then waiting for mana to come back.

When I was lower circle I used to use the same method using iwh, ish, ewh, esh, and only charge/focus 8 or 5 mana depending on body part.

Getting low on mana can be deadly if you've healed someone with stunning poison or bad disease and lots of bleeders where you need to keep BS up, cast VH, try to get some FP's cast, as well as CD. Much easier with higher attunement.


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/13/2009 10:41 PM CDT
>>I don't even get close to 80 percent using this method and it heals me up a lot faster than trying to heal as much as I could and then waiting for mana to come back.

How much HA in how much mana in your room? My healbot still regularly goes under 70 using HW and HS, but I'm working with 170 HA and freaking pulsating.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/13/2009 10:51 PM CDT

The fact these exist makes baby Everild cry.

Mutter mutter mutter mutter.

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi,
Gor'Tog Barbarian Extrordi...Well somewhat average
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/13/2009 10:55 PM CDT
Hey, if you can roleplay a stereotype, so can I.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/14/2009 02:21 AM CDT
>I know we regen mana faster at higher attunement, but it really doesn't take that long to go from 50% to 100%. Is there another reason not to let attunement drop below 80%?

No, this is the main reason.
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/14/2009 05:47 AM CDT
>>How much HA in how much mana in your room? <<

I think I started using HW/HS when I had gained 200+ ranks in magic skills, and I never use a room that isn't at least glowing. I've tried using pulsating or quickly pulsating and it just doesn't cut it.


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
- Albert Einstein
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/14/2009 07:06 AM CDT
>>I have no issue with mana on my empath at all. I wrote a script for healing up which never allows my mana to drop below 40-50%, and if i use compost and raise power first, i can usually fully heal before it even reaches the 50% mana point anyway.

For those empaths out there that are mobile, run across a variety of rooms, and have extreme variance on the mana-demands of their activities, it's not easy to make sure your mana level stays above a certain point. Even with the best scripting technology, there is no global $manalevelroom variable that you can check before a spell-casting routine.

It's easy to forget you're in a group at a triage spot, get moved one room to a room with horrid mana, and then poof goes your attunement. Or if you're a bad typer with bad fingers, and put an extra 0 when you type "charge armband 10".. poof.. goes your spell.

It's no problem if all my commands to the game window are through $mana checks in scripts.

But it's that little pebble in your shoe when you are manually-driving your character.

"All models are wrong, some are useful." -George C. Box
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/14/2009 08:38 AM CDT
>>Hey, if you can roleplay a stereotype, so can I.

ahahah well played


The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/14/2009 11:01 AM CDT
>>I think I started using HW/HS when I had gained 200+ ranks in magic skills, and I never use a room that isn't at least glowing. I've tried using pulsating or quickly pulsating and it just doesn't cut it.

Ah. Yeah. I have kinda seen what people mean when they say I should have had better skills, but you know... this works. It's slower than it might otherwise be, but my healing spell scripts take attunement into account anyways.

>>Even with the best scripting technology, there is no global $manalevelroom variable that you can check before a spell-casting routine.

That actually CAN be addressed, you know. It just means an extra 3-13 seconds of preparation. The best alternative is to either make a map of mana levels and/or memorize it.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
Re: Empaths and Compost 04/14/2009 05:09 PM CDT
>>The best alternative is to either make a map of mana levels and/or memorize it.

Your skill will change this fairly quickly, and the size of even just the normal places you roam in any one province (much less all 5) is just too large to really update by hand frequently. Databases and room notes are really the way to go, because the scripts for interfacing with those so that your room info remains relatively updated are exceptionally simple.

Of course, this eliminates most FEs due to lack of data-handling ability either in general or with respect to the scripting engine.

Re: Empaths and Compost 04/14/2009 05:52 PM CDT
>Of course, this eliminates most FEs due to lack of data-handling ability either in general or with respect to the scripting engine.

You could accomplish something like this with Genie, however.

Re: Empaths and Compost 04/14/2009 10:28 PM CDT
>>Your skill will change this fairly quickly, and the size of even just the normal places you roam in any one province (much less all 5) is just too large to really update by hand frequently. Databases and room notes are really the way to go, because the scripts for interfacing with those so that your room info remains relatively updated are exceptionally simple.

Actually, the way I memorize it is, "This room has (great|good|tolerable|bad) mana." This doesn't change appreciably between hundreds of ranks of PP, to my knowledge.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
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