!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PALADIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/13/2019 03:51 PM CDT
i am Copying this post from tinyheros just incase noone saw these great IDEAS hint hint GM's

This was posted by and all Credit goes to VENYEHEDON but i had to reshare!

Role Change: Spiritual Warden, Cavalier, Mentor
07/17/2019 02:15 AM MDT
I apologize in advance if I’m bringing up an idea already listed elsewhere in the topic, having not read them all. Also, I’m having a great time playing my paladin, as I enjoy the concept of the heavily armored holy warrior. It’s one of my favorite archetypes in every fantasy setting. However, I will agree with many others who feel that the guild is lacking a meaningful niche in the current rule-set. At present they seem to be vaguely defined as guardians of the fallen, defenders, minor undead killers and minor peacekeepers.

Many people on the forums have mentioned numerous times that the guardian of the fallen concept is outdated and near useless due to the changes in depart. I won’t get into that here other than to say it may be a good idea to re-purpose the glyphs that no longer have an important use.

Although it can be argued that unlike the now commonly unused glyphs centered on protecting the fallen from grave robbing the role of guardian isn’t enough of a viable role. Without a doubt, a well geared, experienced Paladin is an asset to any hunting partner or group and can greatly increase survivability. However, due to the nature of Dragonrealms most of the time we’re soloing, unless brought together by RP, or invasion. That’s more of a content and preference issue though and for another discussion about rule-set and group content.

Moving onward from the solo based durability of the paladin is the role of minor undead hunters. Its already been stated by the powers that be, clerics will be the premier hunters of the dead and it simply isn’t going to get better than what they can already do. The strange thing for me here is that I’m looking at the differences between the cleric and paladin roles with concepts from other RPG rule sets I’ve played. Elanthia is a different place. Elsewhere, clerics are the spiritual guides of the world and more tailored towards being heavily armed spell casters and healers.

Paladins in these worlds typically take on the spiritually enhanced melee defenders of the faith and clerics aren’t as durable as a paladin would be. In Elanthia the clergy need no special branches of the faith to defend themselves and are quite self-sufficient and deadly. Once wrapping my mind around this concept, I don’t really have a problem with it, other than the paladin needs another role besides the current. From a logic standpoint, if the clergy doesn’t need a special guardian or soldier branch then what would they use them for?

Like the rule-set and interface reasons that make the defender and undead slayer aspects diminished is that of being peacekeepers. For example, Halt and Banner of Truth are incredibly reliant on the skill rank system and stats. Yes, it has great functionality in pve when it comes to saving a dead friend who doesn’t wish to depart or gathering resources in peace. However, how much peace is going to be kept between two level 100’s being unruly, and a level 50 Paladin trying to save someone or stop a fight? Without IC authority of some sort this role just isn’t happening and essentially becomes a ticket to a one-sided beat down. Not viable except for the very seasoned.

Current Roles – Guardian of The Fallen, Defender, Minor Undead Killer, Minor Law Enforcer.

Consider the following suggestions:

1. Changes to Horses
2. Roles: Guardian, Supernatural Warden, Cavalier, Mentor (Squire Mob)

Changes to Horses
Expedited Travel System Between Civilized Areas – In other worlds that utilize mount systems, I’ve seen everything from longer round times while on foot (verbiage that describes movement from entry to mid to distance exiting) to actually tracking fatigue being generated so quickly that a horse is almost a necessity when traveling to distant locations. There would be a general mutiny if similar rule-set were suddenly utilized here, and that’s not where I’m going with this.

Despite the systems mentioned above that enable clear and more realistic advantages to being mounted the reality of the situation is that whatever comes next to Elanthia is probably going to leave the current non mounted travel system alone. The real issue with the horse system is that you can move just as fast, not get hung up on rooms that are inaccessible barriers to mounted characters and you can keep your groups intact while traveling. Therefore, consider the following:

Outdoorsmanship (expanded skill)
Honestly, I’d rather see a separate skill for riding, but the trend has been to consolidate groups of related skills into single categories for simplicity. So be it! Outdoorsmanship would be the skill learned and used during overland travel and combat to perform various checks.
Riding and Balance (passive)

An outdoorsmanship check is made each time range is traversed during combat, with success improving the balance state. The lower the balance the higher the likelihood of the rider either falling out of or being knocked from the saddle in combat.

Well-being (mount statistic)
Well-being is a fluctuating measure of the horse’s state of mind and general demeanor based on food, grooming level, affection, combat stress, riding usage and time spent within a stable. On the high-end well-being will bestow bonuses to travel time, riding checks and all other combat-oriented factors to include the creatures own fighting ability. On the low end there will be a negative modifier to the same aspects. Lastly, well-being will bestow a modifier to the owner’s charisma while mounted atop it. The well-being state is described when the viewer uses the study horse command. All of the factors mentioned above contribute to the Well-being score as a whole and cannot completely fill to the maximum level state simply by addressing a single aspect. For example, in order to reach the maximum allowable level state you will need to feed, groom, show affection, allow for rest to heal combat stress, heal physical damage, and rest from long distance travel.

Well-being Levels:
Incredible – all other factors present plus grand master grooming ability modifier
Great – all other factors present plus master grooming ability modifier
Good – all other factors present plus adept grooming ability modifier
Adequate – Neutral state achievable with food, novice grooming ability modifier, adequate affection.
Fading – mount needs basic food, affection, basic grooming and rest outside combat
Poor – combat and or mild neglect is starting to take its toll.
Abysmal – Lowest rating possible, combat trauma or neglect of the creature, long recovery

Removal of Inaccessible Spaces While Mounted
The immersion argument is completely thrown out of the window with travel scripts and standard movement that allow characters to move unimpeded across vast distances with the use of a single command or click. Having to dismount and lead a horse across inaccessible terrain while moving overland only adds insult to injury. It’s unnecessary and can be removed so that at least from an RP standpoint mounts will be more common. Currently using a mount is a burden while doing anything other than local RP.

Overland Travel Simulation
Being mounted in any room containing a city gate, entry room or port/doc would enable the use of the, “overland to destination” command. Destination routes from the current location would be displayed via the, “discern overland” command. Only city gate or port locations that do not require traversing water or significant barriers between the two points (barge or ferry access) can be reached via this method. For example, using this form of overland movement would allow the rider to simulate movement from The Crossing North Gate to The North Dock Ferry to Riverhaven, but not The Crossing North Gate to The Riverhaven Pier.

Once the, “overland to destination” command is given the rider and their group would trigger a round time journey based on distance between the two locations; current weather and terrain being traveled through; breed of the horse; the condition of the mount; the rider’s outdoorsmanship skill and any special abilities that are applicable.

Once the round time ends you and your group would be deposited at the desired destination and would be free to move as normal. Ideally, the round time should be twice as fast as the time it would take to use a travel script to move there manually.

Overland travel is taxing on a mount and there should be a fatigue condition based on the total distance traveled. Without adequate rest the mount will begin to function at diminished capacity until travel is no longer possible without stabling and rest to remove the condition.

Group Travel While Mounted
The leader’s status determines what type of travel is going to be initiated during overland simulation. If the leader is on foot then the entire party may still travel via this method but will incur longer round times.

The only places that a mounted rider should be unable to ride into is non barn indoor locations. When entering a building there should be a, “hitch” command that will allow the horse to be tethered to the area outside.

Mount Damage
Mounts should take damage in combat just like mobs and players. Barding quality and type should matter. Breeds and armor type would have advantages and disadvantages to the various defense modes and speed just like guild, abilities and armor effect players. However, if a mount is slain while the rider is on top both will fall to the ground, damage to the player will be calculated and the horse will flee the battlefield in a panic, becoming accessible in any stable within an hours’ time.

Breed Differences
All horses cannot function as battle mounts, as they either lack the temperament to perform calmly in the chaos of battle or they cannot carry the load of barding and a fully armored rider. Some are used for speed and stamina for travel, drafting or pulling or battle.

Horse Training
My first thoughts on the, “it takes a village” training method from virtually every class in Elanthia to fully train a horse was annoyance. Not only did it take weeks for me to hunt down people willing to train me in a system that no one else cared about anymore but it made little sense to me why expert riders within the Paladin guild couldn’t train their own people without outside help. Consider the following:

A. Training Wild Horses – should still be kept an ability unique to rangers
B. Training in General – The signature abilities listed under each of the classes currently would remain, but instead of other classes being unable to teach certain techniques to horses or other players, specialists would be able to teach at earlier circles. For example: paladins can learn combat at 20th circle from a stable master and teach to others at 40th. Everyone else would learn combat at 30th circle and teach others at 60th. To further solidify the ranger guild's mastery at training they could not only be given access to all the techniques trainable to people and horses but the training time could be cut in half.

Mounted Combat
The concept of the medieval knight developed from the need to have a heavily armed and highly mobile strike force that cold quickly and efficiently respond to raiding parties that could spring up virtually anywhere near a waterway. In a mid to high fantasy setting like Dragonrealms this function would without a doubt be bolstered by magic or supernatural power.

The role of the cavalier would be heavily dependent on changes being made to the current horse system to make it at all viable for something besides RP value. Common sense tells me that roles must be clearly defined with any form of mounted combat so that it doesn’t turn into the ultimate form of attacking for all characters period. Paladins should excel at heavy cavalry charges and mounted melee, barbarians should excel as mounted archers and mounted melee, rangers should excel at horse training, riding and mounted scouting. Careful attention should be made to ensuring jumping on a horse doesn’t become an instant, “I win” button.

The primary advantages to attacking while mounted should be increased speed, mobility, defensive bonuses due to speed, bonus melee damage due to speed and the sheer momentum generated upon horseback. This would be reflected in the following:

+defense based on being mounted
+damage from being mounted
+weapon impact based on breed of horse and charge distance
-encumbrance from weight carried
+tactics test and speed to successfully retreat thru ranges during combat

Attacking on Horseback
Standard Attack – A non-charge, attack upon horseback at the appropriate range for engagement will average out the outdoorsmanship skill and the weapon skill or defenses for the purpose of skill contests.

Combat (Horse’s Combat Ability)
Brawling and evasion would be a 75% base of the owner’s own abilities, before factoring in Well-being modifiers. This would keep the horse viable wherever the paladin chooses to hunt at level. The softer target is most likely going to be the rider’s mount regarding neutralizing the advantages of mounted combat and separating horse from rider.

Targeting a Mounted Rider
If a random attack is generated there is a greater chance that the horse or the rider’s lower body will be the recipient of the strike. Striking the horse is less of a resistance test to the rider than if the rider was struck.

Charging Attacks
There are two potential types of charges: charge with the intent to pass and wheel around for another attempt or charging with the intent of striking and then overrunning the targets position to knock them down.

Charging Pass – In order to receive the bonus melee modifiers to weapon impact the rider must at least traverse one range category when the charge /attack type/target is given. Maximum charge bonus is gained when the command is initiated at missile range. While on horseback the speed in which the attacker can traverse the various ranges is increased greatly. An attack is conducted with skill tests in attack and defense being averaged with the riders outdoorsmanship skill. The strike will be delivered at the maximum extent of the rider’s weapon, but will continue to melee, unless the rider is knocked off the horse at the range impact occurred. A counterattack can be delivered by the defender at the maximum range of their help weapon. If the ranges are successfully traversed and the seat is kept once melee range is reached, then the rider will automatically be taken back to missile range after a short round time. If range movement fails, then an RT will trap the rider at the range in which the test failed.

Overrun – This is like a charging pass, however after the initial strike the rider will attempt to close to melee range and initiate a blunt damage-based attack that will cause a knockdown if the contest between horse and target is failed. This maneuver is taxing on the mount and will rapidly reduce well-being.

I don’t have an issue with the great survivability and group utility of the current crop of paladin abilities. This is solid and I wouldn’t change much of anything about this role. I don’t think many have complaints here. With their armor skills and protective spells, paladins can take a lot of punishment and protect others from it. Moving on.

Supernatural Wardens
In a world where clerics are walking spiritual magic engines of destruction, the paladin needs to perform some other important role to the faith besides guardian. Spiritual Warden is an area where they could shine. This role would address threats to the faith of a supernatural or mundane nature by bolstering an already impressive defensive capability with added utility.

Warden’s Mantle (Spell)
Ablative spell potency barrier that can be cast upon the paladin’s group.

Retributive Aura (Conviction Ability)
Adds the functionality of a damage reflecting aura to Warden’s Mantle’s ablative barriers. Upon reducing the damage of an incoming spell, retributive aura will return half the amount of damage to the caster unless resisted or defended against.

Glyph of Repelling (Conviction Ability)
Once traced this rune will stop hostile targets from being able to advance toward the target of the spell unless they resist the effects of the rune. It can be traced individually for greater effect or upon the area for lesser power. Even if resisted it will increase the amount of time required to move forward. Only one rune can be placed upon a target at a time, but multiple runes may exist within the area. Tracing this rune will use a conviction charge.

Glyph of Magic Suppression (Conviction Ability)
Once traced this rune will reduce the integrity of any spells aimed toward the recipient. It can be traced individually for greater effect or placed upon the area for lesser power. Only one rune can be placed upon a target at a time, but multiple runes may exist within an area. Tracing this rune will use a conviction charge.
Glyph of Inspirit (Conviction Ability)
When traced upon a target the glyph will immediately remove the stunned, fear or sleep conditions and fade. If cast upon an area it will increase resistance to stun and lessen the duration once suffered. Tracing this rune will use a conviction charge.

Shield Wall (Toggled Ability)
First, this ability provides a group wide bonus to the resistance forced by any knockdown contest. Second, it will reduce the bonus damage and weapon impact from charge-based attacks. When triggered by a charge or knockdown the feedback would read, “Paladin’s close formation enables you to ward off attacker’s charge”. While active the paladin and or allies will be unable to advance or retreat, unless they leave the group, or the ability is toggled off.

Bracing Stand (Toggled Ability)
If armed with a polearm category weapon the paladin may rest the shaft of the weapon upon the ground in wait for a charging character’s attack. When in rage of the bracing paladin the Bracing Stand will receive all the bonus damage and weapon impact generated from the mounted attacker’s charge if it successfully lands. Whether or not the bracing stand lands before or after the charging character’s attack depends on the weapon length of each combatant. Equal weapon lengths will bestow simultaneous charge attack and bracing stand counter. While active the paladin will be considered locked and primed to passively defend against charge attacks and cannot traverse ranges or attack normally until the ability is toggled off.

Cleansing Strike (Conviction Ability)
Similar in usage to Smite, except that it will attack the target’s active spells in the order in which they were cast to remove one with a successful contest. Cleansing strike will use a conviction charge.

Suggestions in this category require changes to be made to the existing Horse Code as well as new conviction-based abilities. However, the concept of the medieval knight evolved from the need to have a heavily armed, highly mobile strike force that could quickly respond to and engage raiding parties that threatened their lands. In a mid to high fantasy setting like Dragonrealms this function would without a doubt be bolstered by supernatural power in the form of spells or conviction abilities.

Grooming Mastery
Any unskilled owner may groom their horse with the appropriate tools to provide for that portion of the creatures well being score. However, paladins begin mastering this skill at an early age and can attain a higher level of care than others. Throughout the paladin's career they can learn and or be taught by either stable masters at the appropriate circle or other paladins. The ability can be performed on other adventurer's mounts.

Novice Grooming - 5th circle
Adept Grooming - 10th circle
Master Grooming - 15th circle
Grand Master Grooming - 20th circle

A paladin's squire will be able to perform grand master grooming regardless of age.

Cavalier’s Ride (passive conviction based ability)
Normally, an outdoorsmanship check is initiated in order to stay mounted when struck in combat.
Paladins with this passive ability instead make a conviction check and if successful, not only remain seated but will negate bonus damage generated from the horse’s momentum.

Knight’s Charge (passive conviction-based ability)
Paladins with the Knight’s Charge ability greatly reduce the well-being drain and damage to the mount when initiating charge or overrun maneuvers in combat.

Cavalier’s Presence (Active Conviction-based Ability)
By activating this rallying ability, the paladin is able to heal the mount’s well-being score damage generated from combat stress. Note that other factors such as physical damage, hunger, grooming and affection will not be affected by Cavalier’s Presence. The ability will consume a conviction charge upon activation.

Rolling Fall (Passive Conviction Skill)
Normally riders who are struck in combat and knocked off the mount will hit the ground extremely hard, based on distance traveled and bonus damage at the point of impact. Blunt damage with high likeliness of a large stun whilst prone.

Once learned, the Paladin with this ability reduces the damage by half and upon a successful Conviction test will roll to their feet, as opposed to being prone.

Cavalier’s Overrun (Active Conviction-based Ability)
Cavalier’s Overrun will attempt to crash the paladin’s mount into one or multiple targets, stunning and knocking them to the ground in an AOE attack. Damage is dependent on the mount breed, distance traveled, and Conviction ranks.

There are four types of overrun that can be used: single creature, all creature, single player, all in the room. The default type all creature.
Unlike charge, this ability will bring the rider into melee range with all affected until the round time is over. Round time is increased for every target effected by the overrun. Outdoorsmanship ranks will increase recovery time. The maneuver is taxing on a mount and shares a timer and charge with the conviction system.

Cavalier’s Bond (passive conviction-based ability)
Normally, Mounts can be targeted and damaged in combat. Therefore, it is important for riders to armor their horses accordingly. However, upon receiving mortal wounds the mount will simply fall with the rider, potentially causing serious injury to the owner, get up and flee the battlefield. The mount can then be recovered from any stable after a real time hour.

Cavalier’s Bond performs two functions: first, the mount receives a bonus to health and vitality based on the paladin’s conviction ranks.

Second, the recovery time for release from the stable after falling in combat is reduced to 20 minutes, as opposed to 1 hour.

Squire (Granted at 20th circle)
The squire is a non-combat pet that increases in ability with age, from child to young, similar in speed to the growth of a wolf cub. It can be summoned, dismissed or released at will by the paladin. Age, race and region recruited in will influence the squire’s special abilities, however the following are the base functions that each squire will perform for the Paladin regardless:

1. Inventory – The squire can function for load bearing as well as tool storage. When the squire inventory command is given a listing or all forging tools, outfitting tools, horse barding, horse maintenance tools and general storage is listed. Regarding general storage the capacity increases with the squire’s age.

2. Item Repair – The squire will repair all the paladin’s weapons and armor and function as a mobile repair shop in that regard. Cost and time required for repair will fluctuate depending on the age, race and region the squire is from. In order to perform repairs, the required tools from forging and or outfitting must be given to the squire.

3. Horse Grooming – With the required grooming tools the squire can groom the paladin’s horse in any location. Time and quality of the maintenance will fluctuate with the squire’s age.

4. Horse Affection – Emotional care and physical touch to provide for the mental needs of the mount.

5. Horse Barding – With the required armor stored in the squire’s inventory they can add and remove armor on the paladin’s horse.

6. Non-Combatant – Upon the initiation of combat the will remove themselves from the field and spectate from the sidelines. They cannot be attacked and or damaged.

7. Mentor Relationship – Similar to a mount the squire also has a sense of well being that must be maintained via food and training. A special sparring session is conducted in order to meet the training requirements and will teach a small amount of scholarship, armor and weapon being used during the session. The older the squire the less time is required to finish the training session and the greater the learned skill experience.

The squire is named upon recruitment from one of the guilds across Elanthia. Upon reaching the age of young they will stay for a few more months before earning their right to become a paladin themselves and ending their service to the player. Another squire must them be recruited if so desired. When visiting the town of the squire’s recruitment after being discharged from service the squire, now a full paladin may be randomly encountered on the street and will greet their former mentor.
You are Emerald Knight Jerrums Whitehorse, Cavalry Leader of Zoluren, a Human.
Re: !!!!PALADIN!!!!! 10/13/2019 04:19 PM CDT

I love a lot of the ideas. Considering the significance of the development needed for the horse related ideas i'd hope for a focus on simply removing the travel obstacles while riding a horse. I also love the squire concept. I know Armifer recently spoke about changes to our glyphs, hopefully he looks at some of the ideas here. I like them. Paladins need a stronger identity in DR. Some of these ideas can definitely help with that.
Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PALADIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/16/2019 10:01 AM CDT
Some Nice Ideas. Hope you can get some of them implemented.

However you posted about movement.
<"Overland Travel Simulation>
<Being mounted in any room containing a city gate, entry room or port/doc would enable the use of the, “overland to destination”> <command. Destination routes from the current location would be displayed via the, “discern overland” command. Only city gate or> <port locations that do not require traversing water or significant barriers between the two points (barge or ferry access) can be> <reached via this method. For example, using this form of overland movement would allow the rider to simulate movement from The> <Crossing North Gate to The North Dock Ferry to Riverhaven, but not The Crossing North Gate to The Riverhaven Pier.">

You are aware that there's been a way to do this for Rangers for a long time? It's called the ranger trail system. In fact, Rangers are upset that it takes so long to use the trails to get from one place to another. If our travel time could be reduced to take 50% less time than it does now. And the travel time for horses would be the same as it takes rangers to travel now, I wouldn't mind this. But, if the travel times for both are the same, I'd be against this.
