Ideas for Paladins
05/09/2014 09:12 PM CDT
Hi. I noticed that, in my humble opinion, the paladin guild has not seen much development lately compared to most of the game. I would like to talk to the GM Paladin Advocate one I figure out who that is about some things. :) In the meantime I came up with this. Any thoughts?
-A spell or ability similar to Osrel Meraud that stores paladin spells for later in case of emergency. Right now, since it takes 10 minutes to spell up, paladin spells help on offense but not when we need to suddenly defend someone. This seems thematically backwards to me. With this we could ‘bank’ spells for when we need them- or someone needs us.
-A PROTECT IMBUE ability that allows our Warding and certain other spells to affect the one we are protecting as well. I figure this would be a very high-circle Protect option.
-Reduce the Cooldown for the WATCH command for paladins. Paladins are supposed to be trained to watch for danger and hidden threats all day every day.
-Please, please remove the need to charge a holy weapon. All paladins hate this and there are far too few charging locations- none of the islands even have one! Perhaps instead holy icons could be used to give some sort of timed bonuses instead?
-The ability to PRAY to get soul state and soul pool info instead of having to rely on a material object.
- Please add the ability to see how improved our weapon is due to its holy nature in APPRAISE.
-The ability to PRAY to various Light aspects to enhance the abilities of our holy weapon. The paladin would PRAY at the appropriate altar to add the trait to the weapon permanently. Of course, at circle 50 paladins get the standard holy weapon after the quest. With this implemented, at circle 80 and every 30 [?] circles thereafter the paladin may add one more prayer. These should all be small-amount effects, I imagine. A required quest for each one would be neat, too.
Divyaush: Improved Balance and Suitability of weapon.
Berengaria: Weapon strikes consume less fatigue than normal.
Firulf: Smites restore some Attunement for the paladin.
Phelim: Weapon carries a tiny chance that a successful Parry will result in holy damage to the attacker.
Kuniyo: Increased weapon Force.
Alamhif: Some holy weapon effects are shared by the paladin’s shield.
Peri’el: Smites have a reduced weapon roundtime and may be used more closely together.
Lemicus: Smites will increase the balance of the paladin.
Saemus: A Smite will restore some fatigue for the paladin.
Albreda: When activated, the weapon will refuse to finish off an opponent. [like a spar challenge]
Murrula: Smites include a small Dispel effect on the target.
Rutilor: Smites include a chance to increase current soul pool for the paladin.
Eylhaar: Smites deal more damage but require more time in between Smites. [or require charging like a maneuver]
Re: Ideas for Paladins
05/09/2014 10:39 PM CDT
Those're some pretty interesting concepts. I especially liked the enhanced Light Aspect prayer functions for holy weapons.
I definitely would not want to mess with a Paladin under those effects. Not that I do now or anything, but especially not under those proposed concepts.
Blackguard Danoryiel
"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
I definitely would not want to mess with a Paladin under those effects. Not that I do now or anything, but especially not under those proposed concepts.
Blackguard Danoryiel
"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"