Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 05/31/2013 04:35 PM CDT
While I understand the need for the magic split mechanically and thematically, in application it has resulted in extreme micromanagement that somewhere between begs and forces people to script.

I used to train magics just fine and naturally by buffing and hunting (with TM spells doing most of the work). Now I have to make sure I'm debilitating every single target, recasting buffs (augments/wards) far more than the duration calls for, and a number of other silly super repetitive tasks in order to train.

I know, I know... I should be used to repetition by now having played DR for so long. But this just feels contrived, tedious, and has transformed me from someone who hunts by hand with macros (yes I know I'm a relic) into someone seriously looking at scripting the whole thing.

Honestly the bulk of my problem with the new system is having to repetitively re-cast buffs to train Augment/Ward ON TOP of repeatedly casting battle/TM spells.

So on to my question. For spells with a duration...mostly Augmentation, Warding, Utility? is there any way to have them trickle in EXP, sort of like First Aid skill did with tending, so that we don't have to continually and artificially recast them?
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 05/31/2013 04:55 PM CDT
And to clarify, I mean trickle XP just for that single skill. That way it will be different from Cyclic spells that train skill +primary +attunement. Plus the 'secondary' magic skills will still train naturally with the casting of battle/tm spells.
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 05/31/2013 05:13 PM CDT
My suggestion? Make a barb. One command activation, trains while active.

Or a thief. No magic requirement but converting sometime to presumably function similar to barbs.

I agreed about the magic system but it is what it is, so I just rolled a guild that doesn't have to micromanage the skills

Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 05/31/2013 06:08 PM CDT
The problem is I like magic and like being a Warmage.

I just want the magic system and training to feel more 'natural'. Going 'oh, I have 20 minutes left on all my buffs, but my Augmentation is 0/34, better recast them all' just seems silly and contrived.

It's really just a few nitpicks I have with the new system, like the premature recasting of buffs. I love the new 30+ minute durations, and if they trickled in enough XP to learn without having to arbitrarily recast them all the time during a hunt, I'd be a happy camper. Seems like a simple fix too since there's already a framework in place used by other skills.
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 05/31/2013 09:01 PM CDT

Could just ask for a utility/warding/augment cast to give a much larger exp amount per spell. If its quicker to lock in a couple of spells, one could move on to the next skill and minimize screen scroll of from everyone continuously chain casting.
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 05/31/2013 11:18 PM CDT
AFAIK, the GMs aren't overly thrilled with how cyclic EXP is being viewed by the general playerbase, and magic exp trickling in as spells are up was shot down awhile ago (I like the idea, but I think it goes against what they want, exp gain wise).

I think the current plan is to reassess magic exp and tweak down cyclic exp and tweak up general casting exp.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 06/01/2013 09:20 AM CDT
Since you get full bit pulses at very low mindstates, it's actually pretty easy to train everything across the board with casual casting. But you're right, different story if you want to lock things up.
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 06/01/2013 09:38 AM CDT
Training is just fine, I'm not having a problem with it mechanically.

I'm having a problem with thematically constantly casting buff spells long before I need to in order to train. Casting my full suite of buffs gets me to mindstates around 4-6, which will drain to clear long before my buff durations are up.

If XP was tweaked so that it taught well enough to drain to clear over the duration of the spell, I'd also be ok with that. (Again, I'm only talking about the individual Warding/Augmentation skills. I'm fine with attunement/primary coming from the actual act of CASTing)
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 06/01/2013 06:57 PM CDT
>I used to train magics just fine and naturally by buffing and hunting (with TM spells doing most of the work)...

I'm... surprised by this. What kind of ranks did you have under 2.0?
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 06/01/2013 10:15 PM CDT
How is that surprising? SD and CL were amazing trainers. It worked as high as 1300s, locking everything but PP and Arcana. Arcana was easily kept at low mindstates through buffing, and I was fine with letting Arcana drop a couple hundred ranks behind TM.

PP worked fine by powerwalking pre-hunt, then between the tiny PP xp from casting and using PERC timers, it stayed in very high mindstates for hours on end.
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 06/01/2013 10:56 PM CDT
>>How is that surprising? SD and CL were amazing trainers. It worked as high as 1300s, locking everything but PP and Arcana.

Exp tweaking aside, I think this was part of the issue. There's no reason why someone casting tons of TM spells should necessarily also become better at buffing, debuffing, etc, just like someone casting ES outside the guild all day would necessarily be able to cast TM spells great.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Question/Suggestion for Magic 3.0 06/02/2013 08:52 AM CDT

I like that magic was split into different groups, and wouldn't complain about each spell having more exp umph to them as it would lessen scroll from everyone casting nonstop. But, I realize all this would also accomplish is someone running somewhere else to spam another skill(s) to mindlock if each category locked faster. Not that Im overly worried about that either really, as pulses are timed and pulse size and pretty much locked in place by stats.