Circle 01/01/2006 03:32 PM CST
Does circle affect burden? I know it used to, but after the changes that have taken place I am not sure. And if circles do affect the weight we can carry, then how much?

Re: Circle 01/01/2006 03:50 PM CST
No it does not affect your encumbrance, or at least does so only in a manner that is highly unnoticeable (ie, you might go from low none to mid none).

J'Lo, no that other one
Re: Circle 01/01/2006 04:15 PM CST
But it does figure into the equation?

Re: Circle 01/01/2006 04:21 PM CST
Who knows...Concentration might for some reason, and since concentration increases with circle, circle may indirectly impact burden.

I've never really noticed a difference though.

Rev. Reene, player of a few

Reene: hey you should play this with me
Zairius: last time I fell for that line
Zairius: I ended up in DR
Re: Circle 01/02/2006 09:00 AM CST
Circle doesn't effect encumbrance, except in that it does bring you TDPs to train the needed stats. Now- Concentration MIGHT effect fatigue recovery. For instance my baby chars, when they get to certain levels of exhaustion, stay there practically forever. But my top char recovers fairly quickly. Granted, she also has better stats. So I can't really judge that.

The mind behind Ryeka and the Brood

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy