Breathe Water spell 02/12/2005 10:05 AM CST
I have recently aquired the Breathe Water spell on scroll and was wondering since it is not on the warmage list of spells (yet or anymore), can I still learn it and/or use it?

"We are the destroyers, yet we are also the peacekeepers. We face any threat with both sword and spell, and the enemies of the people know this and cower in fear." - guild leader Karazhil
Re: Breathe Water spell 02/12/2005 10:38 AM CST
I may be wrong, but I believe the breathe water spell was made into an extra effect of tailwind, so I would say you can still cast it if you want.

Re: Breathe Water spell 02/12/2005 11:42 AM CST
>>I may be wrong, but I believe the breathe water spell was made into an extra effect of tailwind, so I would say you can still cast it if you want.

You're thinking of Air Bubble. Breathe Water was a Ranger spell that got combined with Otter Swim and renamed Caiman Swim.

Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy