So, I got beef.
I have 3 spell preparations that I can't use. (Yes, I do have the Alternate Preparation spell feat)
1) "You clap your hands together on a mote of energy, causing a shower of sparks to fly forth. Slowly pulling your hands back apart, a glowing ball of crackling energy begins growing between them, ready to pour power into the form of the Summon Death Monkey spell."
2) "As you begin to focus on preparing the Summon Death Monkey spell your vision clouds as waves of heat emanate from all around you. Suddenly a large column of flames engulfs you completely!"
3) "As you begin to murmur, sigils streak across the ground surrounding you in a circle of glowing green. Within its perimeter the earth shakes, releasing another sigil which forms the pattern for the Summon Death Monkey spell."
These were removed per Armifer's post linked on elanthipedia (,%20Skills%20and%20Magic/General%20Magic%20Feedback%20%20-%20CORE%20ISSUES%20-(CAST,%20PREPARE,%20HARNESS,%20PERCEIVE)/thread/1710597)
With the reasons listed as follows:
1) I'm a mean person. (ed: this is a joke i'm sure)
2) It message before checking if magic is actually going to happen.
3) It was silly in context. You wave your arms as pillars descend from the heavens and a roar of the thunderclap momentarily deafens you to cast Shadows.
Today we can get:
"In one fluid motion, you bring your palms close together and a fiery crimson mist begins to burn within them as you prepare the Summon Death Monkey spell."
"Calmly reaching out with one hand, a silvery-blue beam of light descends from the sky to fill your upturned palm with radiance as you prepare the Summon Death Monkey spell."
"Light withdraws from around you as you speak arcane words for the Summon Death Monkey spell."
"Glowing geometric patterns arc between your upturned palms as you prepare the Summon Death Monkey spell."
Can the old spell preps be turned back on please? Armifer's reasoning for removing them appears to be no longer relevant.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh