Is this a bug? Or just some sort've terrible efficiency in the way our mental stats work?
As a Warrior Mage (lore secondary) I was training Performance with someone (Empath- lore primary) who has nearly the exact same skill ranks as me, but only 20 ranks of Intel and Wisdom, compared to my 90 ranks Wisdom and 80 ranks intelligence:
Performance: 50 44.03% very engaged (23/34) <- Me Him -> Performance: 50 36.39% very engaged (23/34)
Then after one pulse:
Performance: 50 57.64% engaged (22/34) <- Me Him -> Performance: 50 49.95% very focused (21/34)
My gain was 13.61% and his gain was 13.56%
Meaning... with 90 Wisdom and 80 Intelligence, compared to 20 ranks Wisdom and 20 ranks Intelligence...
So in a nut shell... I did some math... and to get to 90 ranks Wisdom it cost me 11,880 TDPs, and for the Intelligence it cost 9,345 TDPs. For a Grand total of 21,225 TDPs you too can earn 00 00.05% more per pulse as a Lore secondary Guild, compared to a Lore Primary Guild.
Eeek! Knowing this... I don't think I'll bother putting the TDPs to learn the remaining ranks to get to 100 in mental stats.