Spells That Cause Shock That Should (Probably) Not 03/21/2019 11:49 AM CDT
Just thought I'd give a few non-signature debil spells a once-over, given the current review of the Swarm spell. I think there are almost certainly others spells like Swarm that are currently set to shock by default and are not deliberately set that way.

Here are a few candidates:

Spell Guild Details
Swarm Ranger Summons creatures to pester someone. Summoned creatures should not cause shock and the spell does not actually do any damage.
Demrris' Resolve Bard Stuns and makes target fall down, auditory illusion only. Nissa's Binding already makes things fall down without shock, ALA stuns without shock.
Thunderclap Warrior Mage Not sure a loud sound that does not cause damage is sufficient for Shock.
Stun Foe Paladin It's a flash of light, similar dazzle and ALA

Feel free to add more.

Re: Spells That Cause Shock That Should (Probably) Not 03/21/2019 01:48 PM CDT
>> Nissa's Binding already makes things fall down without shock, ALA stuns without shock.

ALA is Air Lash, a TM spell. I assume you meant AL (Arc Light).

- I
Re: Spells That Cause Shock That Should (Probably) Not 03/21/2019 01:56 PM CDT
>>I assume you meant AL (Arc Light).

Yep, whoops! Though if GM's want to do shockless ALA, I'm totally there for that...

Re: Spells That Cause Shock That Should (Probably) Not 03/21/2019 05:25 PM CDT


This might be because there's no way of separating TM from shock?
Re: Spells That Cause Shock That Should (Probably) Not 03/21/2019 06:01 PM CDT
>>This might be because there's no way of separating TM from shock?

Empaths actually have a non-shocking TM spell! (Paralysis)

Re: Spells That Cause Shock That Should (Probably) Not 03/21/2019 07:30 PM CDT
>>ZERODIVIDES: Just thought I'd give a few non-signature debil spells a once-over, given the current review of the Swarm spell. I think there are almost certainly others spells like Swarm that are currently set to shock by default and are not deliberately set that way.

We're actively looking into this. While we can't make promises as to whether any particular spell will change, we are willing to review any spells you think shouldn't cause empathic shock.

GM Cordulia