Sisters of the Moonlit Lake
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 4:00pm EDT
Location: Arthe Dale Farmers Market
General Info: <span>Please join us for a lecture on Alchemy and Remedies. As a follow up to our nature walk/lecture on foraging, we offer the opportunity to learn how to put those herbs to good use. Nawain will be giving a lecture introducing new alchemist to the remedies skill. Learn about the tools needed and the processes you will need to learn to become an alchemist. She will also be taking questions from those who have already begun their journey into remedy crafting, but need some guidance. </span><br><span> </span><br><span>Join us for a great lecture, with coffee, tea, and snacks. </span>  <br> <br><span>Event Hosts: </span><span>Ysindre and Pyppa</span><br> <br><span><span>Directions: room #150008, from the Village Gate: north (x2), east, Genie: map 7, room 554, Lich: #1069</span></span>