Dragon Priest Investigation
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 9:00pm EDT
Location: Temple of Light, Foyer
General Info: <p>Time has passed with little knowledge gained regarding the Dragon Priests and their current plans.  In an effort to build our understanding and prepare for what may be in store, a scouting mission has been arranged to further investigate the Wyvern Mountain in hopes of uncovering some clue as to the activities of the Dragon Priests in the area.  Two teams will be prepared, one for scouting and one to remain in the city to defend in case of any threats as the safety of Shard remains of the utmost importance.   All interested parties for both investigating and defending are invited to meet in the foyer of the Temple of Light prior to the investigatory team's departure.  </p><p>Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine <br></p>