[Prime] The Wisteria Markets
Simutronics General Events -- All are invited!
Time: Around 8:00pm EDT
Location: Reflection's Interlude (u13125201)
General Info: Lady Sayilla Javilerre and the noble Illistim houses of Avelleur, Chesylrae, Greyvael, Nellereune, and Veythorne invite citizens of the Shining City and entrepreneurial visitors to join together at The Wisteria Markets on Restday, the 23rd day of Charlatos from sunrise to sunset (Sunday, March 23rd - All Day). The Wisteria Markets will be hosted monthly within the Chanceries with an open invitation for anyone to set up their stalls and join in the community as we continue to invite both new and old faces to Ta'Illistim.
OOC Note: While not guaranteed, there is always a chance of a pop-up visit from the faces of Ta'Illistim. This is an open invitation to utilize the Chanceries for roleplay, crafting, and selling of wares, and the sky's the limit! We ask that all who attend remain respectful of the Chanceries and the people they represent.